About Us - This is Who We Are | Decathlon

About Us | Decathlon

We are 100,000 sportspeople. From designers to customer consultants to digital developers, we come to work because we believe sport should be for everyone.

Have you heard about us?

Decathlon is a family-owned company, founded in 1976, and inspired by the belief that the best sports products should be accessible to everyone.

Ever-evolving and high performance design, the best quality at the lowest possible price, and expert advice that customers of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels can access in-store or online, from anywhere, at any time, is what makes us who we are. And we’re pretty proud of that.

Decathlon - About us

A company with commitment

Yes, we’re an international sports retailer with 2080 stores in 56 countries, and if you look a little closer, you’ll see we’re so much more.

Decathlon is dedicated to helping, inspiring and guiding you through your sports experiences. We believe that discovering new sports and being active – well, it’s an important part of life – and living well shouldn’t just be for a privileged few.

The power of people and positivity is at the heart of our business. Our team are sports people who are full of energy and enthusiasm for what we do; we’re encouraged to innovate and improve, and most importantly, to make changes for the better. We take our responsibility to sport and the world seriously, and we strive to anticipate and rise to the challenges that face our society and our environment.

Decathlon is not just a reseller. We’re unique because we have our own in-house brands. We are experts in our fields, and we draw on our knowledge and experience to create, design and manufacture our own products in our own studios and labs. Currently, we have over 20 Decathlon brands, each dedicated to a specific sport or practice. And, our family ownership means we’re here for the long term. We reinvest our profits into research and development, helping to lower the cost of participating in sport.

Decathlon - About us

This is who we are

International. Lovers of sports. Team players. All religions. All ages. All races. All skin colours. All skill levels. Stronger together.

We’re all sports enthusiasts who’ve turned our passion into our job.
We come from all over the world; an international community made up of semi-pros, casual participants and complete beginners.
We know that you want to play to win for your local team, kickstart your training and compete to the best possible standard because we want those things too.
We believe that sport is for everyone. We’re in your corner, designing, making and marketing the gear and equipment we’ll all take to the pitch, park, court, water and track.

We are Decathlon and we are stronger together.

Decathlon - About us

Our products

Our priority has always been the people who play sports. We avoid segmenting by brand or type of product and instead focus on each individual discipline. This means experts in specific fields can use their knowledge and experience to create the very best products for their sport.

Decathlon - About us

What are we fighting for

“To sustainably make the pleasures and benefits of sport accessible to the many”

In a world where sport has the potential to give so much, providing innovative, enticing and high-performance products at prices that are accessible to everyone isn’t a job, it’s our mission.

This is why we get up every single morning. From designers and makers to customer consultants and digital developers, we all come to work because we believe sport should and can be for everyone.

By imagining a tent that unfolds itself, we enable millions of people – from all over the planet, no matter their age or skill level – to experience the joys of nature. To get to know the wild, sleep under the stars and share the most precious thing we have with friends and family - time.

By creating equipment that makes breathing underwater a reality, we enable millions more to discover what’s beneath the ocean’s surface. For our children to meet Nemo and Dory in real life, to glimpse a rainbow of coral and feel the pure exhilaration that only a child can feel.

By committing to eco-design, we give millions of plastic bottles a second life. We stop them from filling up and polluting our environment and hurting other humans and creatures, meaning you can wear our clothing and use our equipment in good conscience.

From mountain tops to local parks, sports halls to ocean waves, the pleasures and benefits of sport can be shared anywhere, by anyone.

Decathlon - About us

What & why we make it

“Our design language: smart, stylish & affordable”

We design our products to be simple yet smart, stylish yet practical, affordable with a focus on quality. Since the beginning, low prices have been our way of making our products available to as many people as practically possible.

Our teams are encouraged to innovate, to question and challenge, to make strategic choices inspired by a global vision, and to design with the user’s needs in mind.

Once we’ve imagined the products you’ll take with you to your next match or session, we develop prototypes, then test and retest every single one.

No detail goes unnoticed – zips are pulled, backpacks are sweated on, and waterproof fabrics are subjected to heavy downpours, often in the field by experts and customers just like you – and our developers only let the best products through. So, when we say something works, we know it works.

Put simply, we believe in our products. That’s we offer a 60-day returns policy, giving you a whole year to decide if something is right for you.

Decathlon - About us


Accessible to everyone

At Decathlon, our aim is to make sport accessible for the many, and we live by this phrase.

In store, we ensure that our products are available to test and try, so you can get a feel for something before deciding to buy it at a price most can afford.

When you walk into Decathlon – we want you to pick things up, try them on and play around. We have tents pitched so you can get inside, a golf simulator to test out clubs, dedicated skating areas or bouldering walls… and our experts are always on hand to help, whether that’s answering questions about size and fit, providing tips on the best Egypt hikes or tennis racket grips, or simply giving you the confidence that you’ve found the right kit to discover and pursue your sport.

We believe in developing in towns and cities where we are needed, at the pace of the people there, so we continue to open stores and create communities around sport. We’re particularly keen to help children get into sports – in Thailand we built a sports hall for an orphanage of children who either have HIV or whose parents died because of it. Helping them to rediscover the joy of life and laughing through sport is our mission come to life.

Decathlon - About us

Our planet

Protect our mother nature

We help people stay healthy for longer through sports and, at the same time, aim to have a positive impact on the planet.

Many of the products we design, manufacture and sell will be used in the great outdoors. We believe in preserving our playground and so we adhere to the Blue Economy principle and follow sustainable production methods to help extend the life of Earth and its inhabitants.

Decathlon - About us


We are all responsible

Turning plastic bottles into running jackets and using natural fabrics where we can all help to reduce our carbon footprint.

If your bike is broken, we’ll fix it for you to stop more unnecessary rubbish going to landfill.

As well as protecting the people of today, we want to help ensure a bright future for the next generation, and the one after that, so everyone can enjoy practicing sports and staying healthy in a safe and thriving outdoor environment.

The current state of our environment needs to be addressed. The time for awareness has passed and it’s time for action, which is why we’re embracing our responsibility to reduce, reuse, recycle and repair now.

Decathlon - About us